Planting the Seeds of Faith

At Brother Bill’s Helping Hand, we envision thriving communities defined by opportunity and hope, where every family can access the life essentials they need to experience financial stability and break the cycle of generational poverty. 

When Pastor Bill Harrod planted the idea for establishing a ministry in West Dallas, one which would be independent of any single church, it was an act of faith. A mustard seed. He had no idea if it would work, but he carefully tended to the idea because he dreamed of creating a ministry that would grow to meet the needs of his neighbors in the community. 

This single seed inspired many others throughout the years, and they too planted seeds of their own—through volunteering and donations, as well as relationship-building—and as they did, that single seed grew to become Brother Bill’s Helping Hand.

Click here to learn more about how Brother Bill’s continues to grow and expand our services, like through our South Dallas Community Market.

Kendyl Wear