Ensure. Empower. Enrich.

Our Mission:

Brother Bill's Helping Hand ministers to the Dallas community by ensuring the essentials of life, empowering through learning, and enriching relationships through faith, family, fitness, and finance.


February 8, 2019

Now in its 75th year, Brother Bill's Helping Hand in Dallas is seeing an increase in clientele, with over 8,000 visitors to the community clinic in 2018 and more than 300 families coming for food each week last year.  

Dallas Morning News / Read Full Article



Our Work

Brother Bill’s Helping Hand provides food, healthcare and educational programming to those in need in the Dallas community, regardless of zip code.

We bring positive change to people’s lives by providing them with tools, resources, and hope.

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Our Impact

Brother Bill’s Helping Hand has been serving the West Dallas community for more than 80 years. In 2017, we served one single zip code. Today, we now serve over 200 zip codes. Our core programs include a grocery store (where neighbors have access to healthy food), access to quality healthcare for the uninsured through our Clinic, and education programs that include ESL, Job Training, Financial Literacy, After School programming, dozens of children’s camps including STEM, Art, Athletics, and Music. We also offer exercise classes, diabetes education, and various other healthy living classes.

We know the needs in our community are great. In recent studies, it has been shown that Texas has the highest rate of food insecurity in the United States and Dallas County has the fourth-highest rate of food insecurity in the country. The team and volunteers at Brother Bill’s Helping Hand envision a world where our neighbors have equal access to the essentials of life, are empowered to be self-sufficient and encouraged to unlock their God-given potential.


3.2 Million

TOTAL pounds served in 2024

In 2024, we served 3.2 million pounds of food during visits to our Grocery Store at Brother Bill’s Helping Hand Main Campus, South Dallas Community Market, and through our school partnerships.



zip Codes served

In 2017 we served a single zip code, 75212. In 2024 we provided services to neighbors in 200+ zip codes across North Texas.



visits to our community clinic

With Emergency Room visits averaging $3,600 per visit, our Community Clinic potentially saved Hospital Emergency Departments over $20,000,000 last year.


Watch our video to learn more about our partnership with The North Texas Food Bank

Get Involved

It takes thousands of volunteers and generous donors to ensure Brother Bill’s Helping Hand can continue to serve the Dallas community. There are many meaningful opportunities to serve as a Helping Hand – serve as a translator, teach a class, work a shift at our grocery store or make a contribution. We hope you will join us throughout the year in any way you can.


volunteer opportunities

We had 7,000 volunteers supporting our programs last year. Volunteering is essential to our program. If you have the heart to give your time, we’d love to hear from you. 

schedule a visit

Our doors are open at Brother Bill’s Helping Hand and we enjoy having our supporters come visit and learn more about who we are and what we do. Fill out the contact form to schedule a tour.

make a donation

Our work would not be possible without the generosity of our supporters. Your gift helps ensure we can provide our neighbors with the essentials of life and supportive programs.