Maria and Lucia Lost Their Jobs and Needed Help
Neighbors like Maria and Lucia receive 100 pounds of food per visit!
Maria’s story
A wife and mother of four young children, Maria was devastated to lose her job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her husband works every day, but after paying their rent and expenses, their family has little money left for groceries. She told Ana, BBHH Programs Manager, how grateful she was for the wide variety of food her family now receives from the drive-thru Grocery Store. Ana assured Maria that even if she finds a job in the coming months, she and her family are welcome to continue visiting the Grocery Store until they are back on their feet.
Lucia’s story
Stories like this are unfortunately not uncommon during this pandemic. Lucia’s husband also recently lost his job, and with no income, they are struggling to pay for rent and groceries for their three children under seven years old. Lucia has found stability at the drive-thru Grocery Store and even received diapers for her one year old child.
More Neighbor Testimonials
“You guys are so amazing. You keep finding new and better ways to serve our families. What a team!”
“I have been [coming to BBHH] for 7 years. Love it.There is nothing like giving your time and love that God has blessed you with.”
“Gloria a dios por todas las personas voluntarias que hacen posible este trabajo de apoyo a las familias.”
Glory to God for all the volunteers who make this work to support families possible.