Give in Honor or Memory

of a Loved One

A gift to Brother Bill’s Helping Hand is a way to honor or remember your loved one by providing the essentials of life to your neighbors. We will send a meaningful card to the designated family as an expression of gratitude. Thank you for including us in one of your most dear relationships.

The honoree or honoree’s family will receive the card below with your personalized message.

BBHH Honorary Gift card (1).png

brother bill’s helping hand honorees:

Ruth Altshuler

Doris L. Bass

Quinn, Kaya, and Jolie Booth

Carmen Chan

Bessie Coleman

Courtney Cuthbert

Troy E. Dawson

Sewanna Dewease

Dan and Sharon Ellis

Jerry L. Ewing

Jazzman Garcia

Cecil Garrett

Cecil Hall

Donna Hamilton 

Kristen and Brooks Heart

Doris Fern Jones

Bobbie J. Gilbert

Jeff Hinton

Jarod Malony - winning Pickleball Team

Ann & Jim Bridgman

Jerry Jones

Leslie Parrish Adcock

Amber Hapka

Beverly Kolwitz

Al DiCristofaro

Mike Scrimpshire

Maile Cuffel

The Harris Family

Olivia Valasco Jimenez

Farrai Smith

In Memory of Evelyne Sims

Faith Hernandez

Larry B. Holifield

Billie Lee Keyes

Reita Keyes

Paul Lee

Bonnie Little

Daryl Martin

Melanie Martinez

Aimee and Mark McClanahan

Dorothy "Jean" Merrell

Brett and Dawn Moore

H. Leslie Moore

Paul Moore

Marcia Mootz

Allen and Marti Myers


Wes Foster

Mary Joan Monteith

Melinda Johnson

The Holt Foster Family

Mary Jon Bass

Jeremy Irons

Van Beckwith

Lucille Holifield Jefcoat

Mavis Parker

Theresa Gonzalez

Celia Elizabeth Beall

George Cohen

Mason Embry

DR. Bill & Amanda Smith

Kim Conrad Edwards

Adair Neely

Whitney Parcells

Chris Payne

Pam Ratliff

Emily Ann Robinson

Richard Paul Roffino

Front Porch Project: Erin Schreyer

The Schuhmacher Family

Austin Silva

Steve and Farrai Smith

Betty Thomas

Diane and Tack Thomas

Kelly and John Trabold

Pastor Samuel E. Underwood

Kaleb Williams

Wes Keyes

Bernadine Johnson

Carol Bate

Mandy Loraine Kuykendall Buchanan

Betty Alexander

Sarah Francis Vann Hopkins

Blanca Erida Salas

Mark Zhuang

OC Grammy and Pawpaw, and The Spears Boys

Sandra Cason Johnston

Vivian Bernice Brogan

Brooke Cohen

Evelyn Sims

Will, Ally, Reid Houser

Os & Marilyn Chrisman